With more electronics and motors being installed today in industrial and commercial sites, power quality is being compromised and networks are suffering increased stress from rising harmonic content and poor power factor.
As a consequence, some power companies are increasing penalty charges to encourage electricity users to reduce the effects poor power quality has on their networks.
The operation of certain types of electrical loads on a site, particularly large induction motors and variable speed drives can create poor power factor and harmonic distortion of the site voltage. This degrades the efficient use of electrical energy on site and contaminates the wider reticulation network. End-users can face additional challenges with ongoing financial penalty charges and the shortened life of expensive equipment.
Fortunately there are readily available solutions to these problems, but navigating the minefield of proper equipment selection can be a daunting task. To make this easier for site engineering staff and electrical contractors, power quality specialists NHP has assembled an array of power quality solutions and the engineering skill necessary to help end-users reap the benefits of good power quality and profitability gains throughout the life of the installation.