Issue 83 March-April 2011

Please note: The issue content below is just a summary of the articles in the printed magazine.
The articles are not available on-line. Please refer to the printed magazine for the complete article.
Getting connection right
A few days after the new Electricity Regulations took effect on April 1 last year, a home owner was electrocuted under his house as a result of what is believed to have been a polarity transposition occurring in recent electrical work he had had done.
Interference in the cowshed
The regulatory environment surrounding the supply, installation and operation of variable speed drives will be updated soon following the release of a draft code of practice designed to increase controls over the supply, installation and operation of variable speed drives (VSDs).
The risks of complexity
Behind the human tragedy, the devastation caused by Christchurch’s February earthquake serves as a reminder of the complexity of the systems that deliver power and water and whisk away our bodily waste.
SPARC to light up Sydney
Attracting some of the world’s foremost architectural lighting designers and manufacturers at the very edge of lighting technology, the inaugural SPARC International Lighting Event in Sydney will bring the lighting world down under.
Fire risks too great
The proposed CA 80 downlight classification allowing ‘flammable’ ceiling insulation to abut fittings has now been rejected by the downlight manufacturers who proposed it because they can no longer assure the industry that this new type of fitting would remain safe in an unregulated insulation flammability environment.